T-Ball (3 & 4 year Olds): Only Offered in the Spring
T-Ball is a coed introductory baseball program for 3-4 year olds. Players are introduced to the basics of the game of baseball. Focus is on instruction and fun. Emphasis is on fundamentals of the game as players are shown the basics of hitting, throwing, catching and base running within a framework of teamwork and sportsmanship. Players in this age group will generally hit primarily from a batting tee. Games are instructional as outs and runs are not counted. Each team will bat through their entire line-up each inning.
Coach Pitch T-Ball (5 & 6 Year Olds) Only Offered in the Spring
Coach Pitch T-Ball is a coed introductory baseball program for both boys and girls at 5 or 6 years of age. Players are introduced to the basics of the game of baseball with a more advanced structure than normal T-Ball. Emphasis is on fundamentals of the game as players are shown the basics of hitting, throwing, catching and base running within a framework of teamwork and sportsmanship. Players in this age group will generally hit from a coach pitching. Each player will receive 5 pitches and then must hit from a tee, (players can't strike out). Each team will bat through their entire line up each inning, however the bases will be cleared after 3 outs are recorded. Once the hitting team bats through their line-up the half inning will be over, regardless of the current number of outs. Each game will consist of three full innings regardless of the score, to ensure each player receives three at bats per game. All runners will be stopped once the ball is returned to the infield. Runs will be counted and each game will be managed by an umpire.

8U Baseball (coach-pitch)
8U Baseball is an introductory baseball program for 7-8 year olds.
Coaches pitch to their own team for the entire game. Players get 5 pitches. There are strikeouts but no walks. 60' bases and 40' pitching distance.

10U Baseball
10U Baseball is an introduction to player pitch baseball. Regulation 3 strikes and 4 balls are counted at each at bat. Pitching distance is 46' and bases are 60"
12U Baseball
12 Baseball is for 11 and 12 year olds in which players begin to fine tune their skill for middle school tryouts. However, no tryouts are required for recreational 12U baseball. Players pitch the entire game. Pitching distance is 50' and bases are 70'.
15U Baseball
15U Baseball is a recreational program that allows players to begin playing our full size baseball field however with a slightly shorter mound and base distance than a regulation diamond. Pitching distance is 56' and bases are 80'. PLTL reserves the right to regroup this age divisions based upon registrations. No tryouts are required.